Slack planning
Slack planning

Still, to keep things under control, it’s best to monitor these types of updates to make sure projects stay on the right track. Someone needs to take a couple of days off, and there’s a need to alter the timeline, etc.-schedule changes are not uncommon. When your company is running several projects at a time, which is the case for many agencies and software teams out there, things change quickly. So, how can Slack boost your resource management efforts? Keep everyone in the loop If you want to learn step-by-step how to install and configure the Slack bot for different use cases, check out our tutorial. Note the examples in this part of the blog post are based on the features’ of Teamdeck -a complete resource management solution and its Slack app. How can you use Slack for resource management? In this blog post, you’ll find out how such a Slack bot can be useful for team leaders, project managers, or regular team members. Now it’s a perfect opportunity to do that as we have recently launched Teamdeck’s own Slack resource management integration. However, we haven’t yet had a chance to tell you how you can use Slack for project resource management purposes.

slack planning slack planning slack planning

Here on Teamdeck’s blog, we have already written quite a bit about using Slack for project management. While Slack may not replace your favorite project management tool or your resource management software, a clever integration will definitely help you work more productively and stay up to date with the most important events happening within your team. Is it possible to also use Slack for project management and resource management? For thousands of teams worldwide, Slack is the main communication channel and a hub where work happens.

Slack planning