System Shock 2 system shock 2 ending explained
System Shock 2 system shock 2 ending explained

System Shock 2 system shock 2 ending explained

There’s plenty of great games that have launched over the course of the last few months that perhaps haven’t been getting the amount of attention they deserve, so here in this feature, that’s exactly what we’ll be doing.

System Shock 2 system shock 2 ending explained

But of course, a byproduct of having a year be as densely packed with stellar releases is that a lot of stuff ends up getting lost in the shuffle. More than halfway through the calendar, it already seems well positioned to be regarded, once the dust has settled, as one of the best years the medium has seen in a long time, with effectively every month bringing excellent and memorable new releases, many of which are likely to go down as all-time classics. Calling 2023 a packed year would be a massive understatement.

System Shock 2 system shock 2 ending explained